Landscapes of Timor-Leste

Dili Microlet Routes

A guide to microlets, the main form of public transport in Dili, Timor-Leste
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024

Thank you for using Dili Microlet Routes!

Thanks to the kind efforts of Totally Timor, we have recently updated our microlet route map with the most current route information. The map now includes the new microlet route 13, as well as updates to microlet routes 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 12.

Microlet route map (2024)

What are microlets?

Passengers inside a microlet
  • Microlets are mini-buses that make up the main form of public transport in Dili, the capital of Timor-Leste.
  • Microlets are colour-coded and numbered (1 to 13). Each microlet is painted in a specific colour based on its number. Check out r/TIMOR_TODAY on Reddit for information about the microlet numbers and colours.
  • Each trip costs 25 centavos (local coins equivalent to 0.25 USD).
  • There are no fixed stops. To stop a microlet, flag it along its route and hop on when it stops! When you are about to arrive at your destination, tap a coin on any metal railing around you to indicate that you would like to get off.

"Dili Microlet Routes" is a map and website produced in 2018 by Claudia Gee and Genghao Teo, with support from Tracey Morgan.

This website was last updated in Jan 2024 with the help of Kyle Scheer and Totally Timor.

Photos in the header image by Thomas Vuillemin and Tanushree Rao.